Scost1's Blog

Find any Green Sprite Tabs?!

Posted on: April 26, 2010

Sprite is currently putting on efforts to contribute $500,000 to Habitat for Humanity. This was in efforts to promote recycling.  Customers were told to look for sprite cans with a green tab on them  and a Habitat for Humanity logo. These are the cans that have the tabs that are needed for the campaign.  People were asked to pull the tab off the drink and send it in to the headquarters. I think that this is a great idea because people can give to Habitat for Humanity ( helping families who are less fortunate with a place to stay ) , recycling ( helping the earth), and enjoy a refreshing drink ! Tabs  are due in by May 30,2010; max number of tabs that participants are allowed to send in  is 20.  This makes me want to look for the tabs and send them in as well.  Visit for information on exactly how to do this!

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  • stephaniemedlin: Hello Sheila! I am also interested in the event planning aspect of Public Relations. I am glad you were able to interview someone who shares your int
  • stephaniemedlin: Career Services really offers many workshops and events for GSU. I'd never realized before this semester how many things actually take place on campu
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